sw*itch ~ a short treatise
The problem of philosophy is it simply does not hold up against the desctructive ape-like nature of violence. But, over time,...
sw*itch ~ a short treatise
sw*itch - You're Flying, Do Your Arms Hurt Yet?
sw*itch - If You Look Back, You'll Turn to Salt
sw*itch - Red II ~ 14FEB22
November 2021: NaNoWriMo
Poem: Athena Born, Cast with Adorned Armor Full
Visit: The Last Bookstore, DLA
Bond ~ No Time to Die (Billie Eilish's Credit Sequence)
Hemingway: Poetry
Richard Donner and The Twilight Zone
Fourth of July '21 Reading
Edwardian Jackal Guide: 2021 Father's Day
The Source of Death - Netflix's The Sandman
The Tower As it Stands
Memory of my Father 5/2
Listen: Podcast ~ Best Picture Review of 1956
"Tiki Pop" Taschen
"The Postman Always Rings Twice", Criterion Channel and Lana Turner
Alfred Hitchcock's "Haunted Houseful"